WordCamp & Meetups are very important

I’m Ugyen Dorji and I am the Quality Assurance Specialist for the All-in-One WP Migration plugin. After working with WordPress for more than a decade, I believe that the community engagement available for WordPress users is a valuable resource that many people overlook.

I work for a company called ServMask, who have been participating in the WordPress community for many years. This has given me the opportunity to attend some engaging and creative events which have been an amazing experience for me.

WordCamp and Wordpress meetups offer an opportunity for people to share the importance of Wordpress, for users as well as plugin and theme developers.

WordPress Meetups

Wordpress meetups are community events that are organized by WordPress users in their area. They are local events, usually organized through the Meetup platform. These events give people the opportunity to get together and share their experiences and expertise, as well as to learn more about what can be done with WordPress. WordPress Meetups are the seed that leads to the growth of WordPress communities.

My first WordPress meetup was very special to me. My most recent work had been to do the quality assurance on the new CLI feature that the team at ServMask had developed. This feature enables our plugin to be operated through WordPress CLI (the command line interface). The speaker at the first WordPress meetup that I attended spoke on the subject of the “Benefit and Usage of WP CLI ”. It was a proud moment for me when he mentioned ServMask and the CLI feature that we were releasing for the All-in-One WP migration plugin. It was very exciting to hear this news shared by someone outside of our company. This first WordPress meetup is a special memory that I will always cherish. It felt really great to be an integral part of this community.

Therefore, am pleased to share the details of how to migrate a site using WP CLI.


Create new backup using WP CLI

$ wp ai1wm backup
Backup in progress...
Backup complete.
Backup location: /wp-content/ai1wm-backups/blog.servmask.local-20180829-065048-690.wpress

Restore your backup using WP CLI

$ wp ai1wm backup --list
| Backup name                                    | Date created | Size      |
| blog.servmask.local-20180829-065048-690.wpress | 3 mins ago   | 202.78 MB |
| blog.servmask.local-20180827-084247-940.wpress | 2 days ago   | 202.79 MB |
| blog.servmask.local-20180820-074810-757.wpress | 1 week ago   | 201.82 MB |
| blog.servmask.local-20180727-145139-917.wpress | 1 month ago  | 201.84 MB |
| blog.servmask.local-20180727-144922-520.wpress | 1 month ago  | 201.84 MB |
| blog.servmask.local-20180727-090841-874.wpress | 1 month ago  | 50.00 MB  |

$ wp ai1wm restore blog.servmask.local-20180829-065048-690.wpress
Restore in progress...
Restore complete.

For further details visit https://help.servmask.com/knowledgebase/cli-integration/


Whilst WordPress meetups are local community events, WordCamp is organized for a much wider audience but still organized by the WordPress community. WordCamp is a platform for plugin and theme developers to meet WordPress users and website developers. It’s a great environment where many incredible discussions about WordPress take place. The “tribe” meetings are a fantastic opportunity for aspiring computer engineers, content writers and developers to showcase their talent and meet each other.

WordCamp Bangkok 2018 was an important day for ServMask. Our sponsorship of the event, gave us the opportunity to connect with our users and show our appreciation, whilst gaining feedback and suggestions from our users to help us improve quality and user experience of our plugins.

Contributor Day

The first day of WordCamp is Contributor Day. I got to meet WordPress folks from all over the world when I took part in a community team. Community interaction is the foundation of WordCamp and Wordpress meetups, giving us all the chance to share and demonstrate what WordPress does how it is used. We also discussed how to engage more speakers and WordPress members to share their knowledge and how we can help new organizers to continue to build the WordPress community in places where it is not yet flourishing.

The international nature of the WordCamp event helped me to understand more clearly why different languages are very important for WordPress. At ServMask, we believe in enhancing multi-language support and the plugin is now translated into 22 languages with more on the way. We’re open to anyone who needs their native language supported by our plugin.

Conference Day

Conference Day is the main event of WordCamp and is held on the second day. ServMask held a Photo Booth for people to snap their memories. I think this was a great idea to capture the memories of WordCamp for attendees, speakers, and organizers.

The focus of the conference day is the presentations that take place throughout the day. I had the opportunity to attend several talks which were very useful for developers, entrepreneurs, companies, and startups. What sticks in my mind is a graph that demonstrated that leveraging website content has been shown to lead to 100% improvement in business growth.

It’s always a pleasure to learn and hear from Wordpress folks. I hope that you get a chance to share in the WordPress community too, wherever you are.

“Through the noise of the world, when you find someone like you, the spoken or the unspoken thought remains and the heart finds some joy too” - Ugyen Dorji

Ugyen Dorji


Ugyen Dorji

Quality assurance technician @ ServMask

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